Learn to love yourself and be your own best friend
“How can you love someone else if you can’t love yourself?”
I’m sure you’ve all heard this line, and despite the cliché, it’s true to some extent.
Loving yourself boosts your confidence, gives you a more positive outlook on life, and it can help you to face life’s challenges.
With the mainstream media and community telling us how we should look, what we should accomplish and how we should act, it’s no wonder so many of us have learnt to judge ourselves negatively for not being the generic version of ‘perfect.’
- What if you gave yourself just as much, if not more, love than you give to the people you love?
- What if you showed yourself the same kindness, care, forgiveness, encouragement, praise and trust?
- How much more could you support yourself in your life journey, as your own best friend?
Only you can ever make yourself feel loved, accepted, supported, encouraged, appreciated, acknowledged etc. Other people may offer those things to you, but unless you believe it you won’t be able to receive their gifts and let all the yummy stuff in.
There will also be times when it feels like not much positivity is coming your way. If that happens, you need to be able to rely on yourself to buoy your spirits and resilience, and keep seeing the best in yourself.
You truly do want to learn to love yourself and be your own best friend. That way, no matter where you are or what you’re going through, you’ll always have you by your side as someone to lean on or to cheer you on.
7 Tips to help you love yourself more every single day
Here are some tips for giving yourself the love you deserve:
1. Cut yourself some slack
Become as patient and forgiving to yourself as you are to other people. This will make loving yourself a whole lot easier!
With all the criticism you’ve received in the past and the mistakes you’ve made, it’s not always easy to put all of that behind you.
Try focusing on positive things such as your accomplishments, your playful personality, the love and support you offer in relationships, your acts of compassion and kindness.
Remind yourself of all the positive traits you possess, forgive yourself for past mistakes and appreciate your courage in deciding to move forward and do things differently!
2. Improve your mindset
Reconnect with your heart and the activities that inspire your passion, purpose and creativity – dancing, painting, photography, singing, sport, writing, pets etc!
Take some time to journal and reflect on all of the things you do appreciate about your life and also spend time imagining and dreaming about a wonderful future for you and your loved ones.
Sometimes it’s worth disconnecting from some of the mindless noise, such as TV and social media, and engage in more interesting and meaningful activities – alone or with friends.
Challenge yourself a little, and go out of your comfort zone. I bet you can do more than you give yourself credit for!
3. Be honest with yourself
Learning to accept who you truly are requires honesty. Appreciate your life story, even the mistakes and shortcomings. Trust that all of your experiences have made you who you are today and every experience is an opportunity to learn and grow.
Most importantly, allow yourself to feel your emotions, even if they’re negative emotions. Being honest about how you feel will help you to be authentic and express your true needs to others.
4. Don’t base your worth on what you own
You are not the car you drive, the clothes you own or the money you earn. Don’t define yourself based on material things. Imagine yourself having no possessions and love that person!
Who and what do you stand for as a person and member of your community?
What do you like about yourself?
Fundamentally you are a ‘good egg,’ and if you currently don’t see yourself that way, you’re just a little disconnected from your truth.
5. Nurture and take care of yourself
Your body is a powerful vehicle for your mind and spirit! Love and care for your body by keeping it healthy and active – filtered water, fresh foods, good sleep, plenty of rest and 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day.
Wish on yourself the health you wish on your loved ones, and be proactive in preventing illness and disease. Use natural therapies to support your health and thrive!
6. Enjoy your own company
Spending time alone can be a very rewarding experience. It can help you to feel comfortable in your own skin, and also develop self-trust and self-love.
Having ‘me time’ allows you to reflect in peace. It’s in these quiet moments that you can give yourself words of encouragement, support and compassion.
You may also realise that who you are is not defined by the company you keep – it’s defined by the thoughts and beliefs you have about yourself.
7. Have more fun
Whether you’re alone or with friends, allow yourself to have fun with everything you do. Make a conscious choice to be in a playful mood and look for things to enjoy and laugh about. Spending time with children can help.
Allowing yourself to laugh and ‘let your hair down’ is one of the best things to rejuvenate your health and wellbeing. To become your own best friend, do things that make you feel alive and happy, even if others don’t understand why.
Love yourself…
Learning to love yourself is all about trust, respect and compassion.
Giving yourself the love you deserve will empower you to live a happy, healthy, rewarding and meaningful life.
So, please learn to love yourself and be your own best friend!