The LifeLine Technique Flow Chart™
The LifeLine Technique Flow Chart has 16 steps, and the practitioner will methodically work through each step using the two key tools of muscle reflex testing and the infinite love and gratitude sequence. Each step provides the foundation for the next.
The LifeLine Technique Flow Chart is a roadmap through the subconscious mind that helps us open new pathways – literally.

Step 1 is referred to as ‘The Connection.’ It is a short and easy-to-follow routine connecting and harmonising the fields of your body, mind and spirit, and earth and Source.
It is designed to increase your energy and bring you into the present moment.
Step 2 involves listing any physical symptoms or stressors you’re experiencing and also setting an intention for the session.
Jocelyn will guide you through this step and there is no preparation required, although, in time, you will likely come with a list of symptoms and a theme to work on!
Setting an intention based on your heart’s true desires is the critical step in The LifeLine Technique®. Once a conscious intention has been set in Step 2, Jocelyn will methodically work through the rest of the steps to discover and harmonise any resistance to your intention that’s held at the subconscious level – limiting beliefs, unprocessed emotion, and reactive behaviours.
Step 3 is about creating ‘portals’ or doorways, which is really establishing a line of communication between the conscious and subconscious mind and getting them on the ‘same sheet of music.’
At this stage, there are well over 20 possible portals in The LifeLine Technique®, but Jocelyn will do at least four each session.
Steps 4, 5 and 6 will locate the big picture energetic imbalance – emotional, biochemical, structural or spiritual. Next determine what has been powering the imbalance – mind, heart or will. And then discover how the subconscious mind has been protecting the spirit from life experiences that would otherwise prove too challenging for the conscious mind.
Steps 7, 8 and 9 are about acknowledging that change is the essence of life. We’ll discover which essence of nature you need to reconnect to, which acupuncture meridian is now open to flowing and changing, and in what way the energy will flow through that meridian.
Steps 10 and 11 will uncover the subconsciously expressed emotions at the root cause of the imbalances discovered in the previous steps. These emotions are expressed through the emotional, structural and/or biochemical expression channel.
Jocelyn will explain each expression channel in more detail during the process, and provide an educational handout of the 16 steps.
Step 12 will discover whether there are any holding patterns. This means the subconscious mind has been expressing emotions the same way over and over for a significant period of time.
This leads to limiting belief systems in the mind, degeneration in the body, and/or an attractor field of trauma and drama in the spirit. It’s the holding pattern that’s keeping you anchored and stuck.
Steps 13, 14 and 15 Jocelyn will assemble your energetic field; lead you through a short, walk and breathe exercise to help integrate the session; and then check to see if there is any further resistance to you living your life with your unique intention.
Step 16 discovers which of the 5 acts for optimal health you need to focus on to support the healing stimulated in the session.
Specifically, Jocelyn will assess the quality, quantity and frequency of your water intake, food, rest, exercise, and owning personal power.
She’ll also indicate how many more sessions you’ll likely need to detoxify, regenerate and thrive for your unique intention.
14+ Holistic Healing Modalities
Dr Weissman developed The LifeLine Technique® from his studies and professional practice of 14+ holistic healing modalities. He created one unified system through the 16 steps of the flow chart. The modalities include:
- Total Body Modification (TBM)
- Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET)
- Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
- Psychoneuroimmunology
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
- Applied Kinesiology (AK)
- Chiropractic
- Traditional Chinese medicine and Acupuncture
- Homeopathy
- Chakras or energy centres
- Colour and Sound Therapy
- Ayurveda
- Shamanism
For more details about each modality, visit LifeLine Technique modalities.
12/08/2023 @ 7:17 am
The Power of Infinite LOVE & GRATITUDE is indeed an evolutionary Journey to Awaken One’s Spirit .
The LifeLine Technique described by Dr Weissmanin the book is mind boggling .
The Technique has potential to bring peace and prosperity on planet Earth.