Infinite Love & Gratitude
According to The LifeLine Technique® philosophy, the journey of our spirit is to reconnect with the power of love and gratitude – two of the virtues espoused by all religions and virtues that connect all of humanity.
The LifeLine Technique® is a fusion of science and spirit that harnesses the power of ‘infinite love & gratitude’ to transform our body, relationships, career and life.
You’ll learn to unleash your mind and body’s extraordinary capacity for healing; and you’ll begin to understand the complex language of physical symptoms, dis-ease, and stress.
- Infinite defines the essence of the uni-verse…one song that has no beginning nor end. Faith acknowledges that there must be more to life regardless of the circumstances occurring in a particular moment.
- Love is the universal power that propels life – fuelling your will and enabling you to face and overcome challenges.
- Gratitude empowers you to go through life without judgment. You see the value of any experience (even situations once perceived as ‘bad’) as an opportunity, rather than feeling a victim of circumstance.
The Hand Mudra
For extra therapeutic energy, we deliver the ‘infinite love & gratitude’ message with a hand mudra or posture that means ‘I love you’ in American sign language.
These many and varied forms of hand gestures have symbolic meaning and empowering virtues.
Mudras are believed to awaken dormant psycho-physical centres and purify certain subtle energy channels allowing for the circulation of energy through the system. They are also believed to facilitate concentration, and be a powerful means of communing with the forces and divinities lying within man’s inner nature.
The introduction of the hand mudra as a therapeutic tool to The LifeLine Technique® was quite fortuitous. Dr Weissman was introduced to the American sign language hand gesture for ‘I love you’ in 1998 when his deaf cousin, Rob, was working as an intern at his wellness centre.
After a full day of observing Dr Darren working with clients, Rob held up his hand to Darren in the ‘I love you’ sign. Immediately, Dr Darren felt a warm, powerful and peaceful feeling come over him, which he found intriguing.
Based on his Clinical Kinesiology studies, Dr Darren already knew that when touching a specific point on the body, different hand postures would elicit a different response while muscle testing.
His personal response to ‘receiving’ the ‘I love you’ sign made him wonder… He then asked Rob if he could test him for weak reflex points on his body. Rob said yes, and when Dr D found a weak reflex, he held his hand in the ‘I love you’ sign next to Rob’s body and the reflex instantly ‘locked out’.
This occurred for all of Rob’s weak reflex points! Both Dr D and Rob looked at one another in amazement, and the power of the ‘I love you’ hand gesture, with its unique energetic vibration, was realised.
Water crystal research
Three years after Dr Weissman discovered the healing benefits of the American sign language hand gesture for ‘I love you’, he learnt about Dr Masaru Emoto’s groundbreaking water crystal research. Dr Emoto was a visionary and a Japanese doctor of alternative medicine.
In his research, Dr Emoto exposed test tubes filled with tap water to words (in different languages), music, and even trialled positive thoughts and intentions from a group of 17 people.
He then froze the test tubes and extracted a frozen crystal from each tube, which he examined and photographed using dark-field microscopy. Each word or phrase, thought, and piece of music created a different water crystal formation.
Dr Emoto’s experiments demonstrated that thoughts, words and music each have a unique energetic vibration that causes an instantaneous impact on the molecular structure of water.
As the human body is 75 to 90 percent water, imagine how sensitive our bodies are to our emotions, our thoughts, the music we listen to, and the food we eat!
Water is the very source of all life on this planet. Its quality and integrity is vital to all forms of life.
According to the intricacy of the crystals formed, Dr Emoto determined that ‘love and gratitude’ are the most life enhancing vibrations.
It is worth noting that ‘hate’, ‘you make me sick’, ‘you fool’, and heavy metal music caused such disharmony in the molecular structure of the test tube water that a crystal didn’t form.
Red Blood Cell Analysis
Based on Dr Emoto’s water crystal research and the fact that our blood is approximately 80 percent water, Dr Weissman decided to conduct live blood cell analysis to determine the impact of ‘infinite love and gratitude’ used throughout The LifeLine Technique® process.
Using the same dark-field microscope procedure and a large pool of clients, Dr Weissman found consistently amazing ‘before and after’ results on the clients’ red blood cells.
A number of examples of the blood slides are included below: