Congratulations for taking the next step to overcoming anxiety and getting your life back on track!
Please complete the 3 steps below to make sure you’re fully prepared for your 45-minute, Next Step to Confidence Call.
By completing the steps, you’ll put yourself in the best position to take advantage of the call and gain the most value of your time with me.
STEP 1: Watch this short video so you know what to expect on the call.
STEP 2: Be inspired by other clients’ results – so you know what could be possible for you too.
“Thank you for your love, support and professionalism last year. You saved my life!”
G Martin, Northern Territory
“Prior to working with Jocelyn, I experienced an immense amount of insecurity and anxiety in certain social situations. The growth I’ve experienced from working with Jocelyn has been life changing. I no longer struggle with fear and panic and have developed an incredible ability to face life’s challenges and deal with difficult emotions on my own. For the quality of life you get, Jocelyn is worth every cent and more.”
Beckie Taylor, Gunnedah NSW
Jocelyn utilises a powerful integrated approach and I am totally impressed with her skills and the results. The tools and strategies she gives me, stay with me. She is my ‘go to’ person when I recognise I have blocks personally and professionally. I heartily recommend her services.”
Helen Hancox, Paraparaumu, New Zealand
Jocelyn compassionately and professionally helped me enormously using two new modalities I’d never heard of. The lifeline technique and nutripuncture helped me to recover very quickly. I was amazed. Even my psychologist from the hospital admission said, who is this woman you’re working with? You’re doing some very good work together. It was such a relief to be working with Jocelyn. I had complete faith and trust in her.
Once we worked through the grief together, she then helped me prepare for another pregnancy. Within 3 months of trying we were pregnant again and I’m positive the nutripuncture and lifeline technique were key factors. The pregnancy and birth all went well and our baby girl is very healthy and alert.
The second time I needed to work with Jocelyn was a few months after our baby girl was born. I’d been experiencing some anxiety and had received more conventional support. However a past family trauma came up again and I ended up suffering a psychosis, which felt very dangerous and out of control as I’d lost my sense of reality and wanted to run away. Jocelyn was incredible at helping me through that crisis over the phone and getting me and my baby girl safely to hospital and then helping me to recover.
Jocelyn has amazing skills and knowledge and the techniques she uses are truly life changing. I am so grateful to have this kind soul a part of my journey. Jocelyn has been a beacon of light when all I could see and feel was darkness. Infinite love and gratitude.”
Sarah Hutchison, Gippsland VIC
Jocelyn has taught me an amazing number of effective tools and simple practices to successfully cope and deal with triggers in daily life. My emotional and psychological wellbeing is the best it’s ever been. Jocelyn also helped me create a positive mindset and gave me practical tools to achieve the optimum outcomes of my desired goals. I no longer feel emotional attachment to past traumas and life is much easier. I’m more comfortable in myself, have an optimistic outlook and PTSD is now a thing of the past.
Jocelyn is very knowledgeable and wise and having used all her services I can confirm that each one is unique and highly beneficial. I experienced profound and effective healing at the deepest levels. I am now free of old issues and feeling more confident, self-loving, content, at ease and satisfied in my life. I highly recommend Jocelyn to anyone who’d like deep emotional psychological healing or help with overcoming PTSD. The results I’ve achieved working with Jocelyn are priceless and I feel so grateful and blessed.”
Kathy Loftus, Sydney NSW
I feel intense gratitude for such a powerful and profound session. I’m now feeling stronger, more certain, more trusting, and confident in my inner knowing again. I listen to the recording Jocelyn made me twice a day and the visualisations of her powerful words become more real as each day passes. I feel such peace, so centred and my mind is switched on after listening to the recording.
This RTT process has had a great effect on me and my life. I highly recommend working with Jocelyn – a truly special experience.”
Melissa Werner, Northern NSW
“Jocelyn has truly transformed my life. I feel like a different person. I am very grateful I was able to receive her help and would recommend her to anyone and everyone. She is also a lovely person, easy to talk to, understanding and flexible.”
Lisa M, Yarra Valley VIC
STEP 3: Watch this highly informative video on why you MUST heal trauma to overcome anxiety
- Learn 3 key reasons why healing trauma is a core pillar for overcoming anxiety
- Gain a deeper appreciation of what counts as trauma
- Discover 3 hidden types of trauma likely impacting your anxiety today
- Learn the 7 clues of unhealed trauma
- And discover how to resolve trauma
Once you’ve completed all 3 steps, you are all set for your call.
I look forward to connecting with you and supporting you soon.
Until then, please, be kind to yourself.