What is Muscle Reflex Testing?
Muscle Reflex Testing (MRT) is a fast, non-invasive, laser-like tool that assesses the energy or life force flowing through the energy meridians in our subtle body. MRT is focused on the ‘reflex’ response, which stems from the subconscious mind and is activated by any one of our senses.
Why do we use Muscle Reflex Testing?
When the energy is not flowing well through the meridians in our bodies, we cannot maintain optimal health. The resistance is caused by the subconscious mind expressing emotions in either acute or chronic maladaptive ways.
Muscle reflex testing enables us to uncover the subconscious emotional patterns of reaction (reflexes) that are at the root of your symptoms and stress.
Two important reasons for muscle reflex testing
- The subconscious muscle reflex will always override a conscious choice.
- The subconscious mind, and subsequently the body as it reacts, does not know the difference between imagination, memory or reality.
So using the LifeLine Technique® method of muscle reflex testing reveals genuine underlying beliefs and unprocessed emotions from any time in our life – held at a subconscious level.
Muscle-reflex testing is used to validate that subconscious emotional patterns of reaction have been harmonised, released and transformed.
How does Muscle Reflex Testing work?

Muscle Reflex Testing in The LifeLine Technique® is conducted by having you hold one of your arms at 90 degrees with your elbow tucked in at your side and relaxed wrist.
Jocelyn will apply firm, even pressure on your wrist while asking you to meet the resistance. When there is a ‘lock’ position, your baseline or reference point has been established. Any reflex reaction during the process will then be compared to that.
From the baseline, Jocelyn will generally interpret an arm that ‘gives way’ to mean that the statement being made is not true for you at a subconscious level or an unprocessed emotion is still causing resistance to your energetic flow.
When there is congruence in your system at both the conscious and subconscious level your energy flow will be strong and the muscle reflex will ‘lock out.’