Here’s your Freedom from Anxiety Kit
The kit is comprised of 3 things:
- The Anxiety Transformation Quiz
- Cool, Calm & Collected Self-Talk
- Freedom from Anxiety Audio Program
I’ve included guidelines and tips for how to get the best out of each one below.
1. The Anxiety Transformation Quiz
Getting a clear understanding of your current situation is the first and most important step in identifying what’s causing your anxiety and panic attacks.
Once you’ve identified the causes, only then can you start to take necessary steps to eliminate it once and for all.
By taking the quiz you will start to understand why you’re experiencing anxiety and panic, how bad it is for you, and what areas of your life need to be addressed to get rid of it.
Use this link to download the quiz.
2. Cool, Calm & Connected Self-Talk
As an anxiety sufferer, you’ll know that sometimes we can be our own worst enemy because we often say really unkind things to ourselves.
The type of self-talk that we use significantly impacts:
- our ability to cope with life
- take on challenges and responsibilities
- socialise with others
- be a role model
- and generally feel good about ourselves
The good news is that even if you’ve been saying unkind and unhelpful things to yourself, you have the power to change it. And the beauty of it is simplicity because all it takes is repetition. Let me just say that again. And the beauty of it is simplicity because all it takes is repetition.
So, right now, I want you to:
- Download the Cool, Calm & Connected Self-Talk script.
- Read it in the morning when you wake up.
- Read it in the evening before you go to sleep.
By reading the script regularly, you will start to create new neural pathways in your brain. The more you repeat it, the stronger these pathways will become.
Be mindful not to just rote read it. To get the best results, it’s important to imagine yourself being the person who is genuinely living your life in that way.
*An important point to note: Your brain will start to look for evidence throughout the day that what you’re telling yourself is true. That’s why it’s so important to consciously say empowering things to yourself.
Other tips:
- Reading the script out loud is very powerful, as there is something special about hearing your own voice.
- Reading it out loud in front of your bathroom mirror is even more powerful!
- Print off the script and put copies in places you use regularly throughout the day. For example, in your handbag, bedside drawer, on the fridge and on the toilet wall.
- Use the script regularly throughout the day, especially if you notice you’re starting to feel stressed.
- Make a voice memo recording of the script on your phone and listen to it while driving in the car or commuting to work.
- If there are particular sentences you find helpful, take a photo of them and use them as a screensaver on your phone.
3. Freedom from Anxiety Audio Program
Much of what we say to ourselves stems from the environments we grew up in and the beliefs we developed about ourselves. All of those belief systems that were programmed into us at a young age are then no longer questioned.
They are held in your subconscious mind – the part that you’re not aware of – which is actually running the show about 90% of the time! It’s automatic and reactive because it’s effectively been hardwired into our nervous system.
The subconscious mind will continue to re-act, re-act, re-act with the old belief systems until we do something to re-program those beliefs. And that’s what the Freedom from Anxiety Audio Program is designed to help you do.
All it takes is commitment from you, for the sake of your health and life.
Our brains have plasticity throughout our whole lives and what happens to us in our lives has a lot to do with what we think. And what we think has a strong connection to our beliefs and how we talk to ourselves.
That’s why it is vitally important to learn to talk to ourselves in ways that are kind, loving, caring, strong, demanding and determined.
So here is the Freedom from Anxiety challenge I invite you to do – for you.
I have recorded the Cool, Calm & Connected Self-Talk script in a particular way that will support your brain to develop new neural pathways. It runs for approximately 16 minutes.
DOWNLOAD the m4a audio file here.
DOWNLOAD the mp3 audio file here.
- For 30 days straight, listen to this recording at least once a day, preferably twice.
- Each evening, write in a journal about what you observed during your day
- Did you feel different interacting with others at work or at home?
- Did others respond differently towards you?
- In what ways were you able to cope with stress better?
- Did you feel, think or behave in ways that were different for you?
- Note down any positive changes for you – even small ones.
- Take a break from the program for two weeks and observe what happens within yourself and in your life.
Continue to write in your journal each evening. - Commit to another 30 days of listening to the recording daily and writing in your journal.
Your journal allows you to keep track of your progress – what has been working well and the areas where you may need more support.
While you are going through the audio program and using the kit, I’ll be sending you more valuable education and tips to help empower you to overcome anxiety and panic.
Regaining balance and control in your life is like a breath of fresh air!
P.S. Up until the last few years, anxiety had been a consistent part of my life (and my parents’ lives) and so I know how much of a strain and limitation it can be.
If at any time you’d like more personal support, please book in for your complimentary 30-minute Anxiety Solutions Call.
P.P.S. Please check your inbox for an email with a link to this page for future reference. And please add me to your ‘good guys’ list (not spam, white list, contact list). Thank you.